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What's In a Domain Name? Your Company's Cybersecurity.

What's In a Domain Name? Your Company's Cybersecurity.

Your company’s online presence relies on a domain name. That domain name is registered, and you would think as a result that it would be hard for a criminal to steal, but that’s not the case. Domain name compromise makes possible a wide array of attacks--including the introduction of ransomware and other extinction-level exploits.

While no business can make themselves a hundred percent cybersecure, understanding not only the way domain names work, but also how they can be leveraged by hackers is mission critical when it comes to avoiding common security pitfalls.

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Think Ransomware Can't Put You Out of Business?

Think Ransomware Can't Put You Out of Business?

We’re not even halfway through 2020, and already it’s been a record-breaking year for ransomware attacks. Barely a week goes by without reports of a new strain or variant of malware wreaking havoc among companies. No industry, category, size, or group is safe from this cyber scourge.

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These Summer Scams Target Victims At Home and Work

These Summer Scams Target Victims At Home and Work

Not all summer scams target unwary travelers. There are legion crimes waiting to happen that target their victims at home or in the workplace.

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How To Identify Travel Scams

How To Identify Travel Scams

Vacation season presents a golden opportunity for scammers. Their targets are typically looking for bargains and are more likely to let their guard down, especially now with demand for rentals and hotel space at an all time high. For those hoping to get some rest and relaxation away from work and other responsibilities, the competition for that perfect vacation spot can present a perilous lure--and scammers know it.

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Beware These Summertime Scams

Beware These Summertime Scams

With the arrival of summer and the easing of shelter in place restrictions nationwide, people are planning vacations, looking for jobs, and starting home improvement projects. 

Unfortunately, scammers are gearing up to take advantage of these summertime, post-quarantine activities with a wide array of schemes aimed at turning your plans, projects and even your aspirations into cold hard cash.

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Quarantine Fatigue Is Real and It Could Kill Your Company

Quarantine Fatigue Is Real and It Could Kill Your Company

Quarantine fatigue is not only sending people to crowded bars in Wisconsin. We’re all getting tired of it — call it quaran-tigue — and that could spell trouble on the cybersecurity front. 

Multiple studies and articles of late have noted a trend that could have serious repercussions in the days, weeks and months to come. The caution employers and employees alike had talked about in making WFH (work from home) a workable, secure answer to widespread social distancing measures has given way to overconfidence. 

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Be On The Lookout For These Covid-19 Healthcare Scams

Be On The Lookout For These Covid-19 Healthcare Scams

Covid-19 quickly revealed shortages (and organizational) shortcomings that worried consumers, whether it was the availability of PPE supplies, medical treatments, or diagnostic tests. Each of these deficits provided criminals with hard to resist lures that continue to be used in phishing and malware campaigns.

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Our Response to Coronavirus

Keeping our customers, our communities and our employees safe is a top priority and we want to share the steps we are taking in response to coronavirus.

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How To Identify Covid-19 Stimulus and Employment Scams

How To Identify Covid-19 Stimulus and Employment Scams

The response from federal, state, and local government agencies and organizations to support the economy during the pandemic created fertile ground for scammers. With tens of millions of newly jobless or furloughed Americans filing for unemployment benefits and the federal government paying individual stimulus checks to avert further economic crisis, criminals have been making a fortune.

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International Fraud Ring Stealing Unemployment Funds

International Fraud Ring Stealing Unemployment Funds

Several state governments have been targeted by a sophisticated fraud campaign that has likely siphoned millions of dollars in unemployment payments earmarked for the record number of Americans seeking benefits as a result of the pandemic, a new Secret Service memo warns.

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